It Takes an Aunt to Raise a Child

A few months ago I wrote, in passing, that I was surprised by how many of the readers and commenters on Motherlode are not parents. I asked them to write in and tell me why they spent time on the site, and one who answered was Melanie Notkin, who said she couldn’t speak for everyone, but she did know more than a little about being an Aunt.

Melanie is the founder of She knows the role a child can play in your life, even if that child isn’t yours, and she has a front row seat to what she sees as an escalating tension between those with children and those without. That she is nearing 40 and has no children are two central facts about her, yes, but, as she writes in this week’s guest blog, that is only the start of everything else she is.


“Don’t you want kids?”

Since the day I turned 35, and steadily more often as I approach 40, I am asked this by moms (and dads) with more of an accusatory tone than with any real concern. Yes, I would love to have kids. I would love to be a mom.

But I’m not a mom.

The state of my “motherhoodlessness” is one that I grapple with on every level of my psyche and biology. But I think I need to find a father for those kids first. And that seemingly reasonable response is still often followed by the words that are like a spike in my heart: “Well then you’d better hurry up!”

It doesn’t seem to be enough for some that I wish I were a mom; lately it seems everyone wishes I were too: “Are you considering having a baby on your own?” I’ve been asked by my gynecologist, my internist, my family, my close friends, my new friends, and often enough, people who really shouldn’t care. (Answer to come below.)

If you’ve been on either side of questions like these, you know that I’m hardly alone. In fact, for just about every mom out there, there is a non-mom. The 2006 U.S. Census Bureau Fertility Report documents that 45.1 percent of women up to the age of 44 do not have kids. These non-moms include those by choice, those yet-to-be and those who are unable — those who are single and married, straight and gay. (By the way, age 44 is where the Census caps off fertility — there are of course more women without kids over the age of 44.)

A percentage of those women choose not to have children (and for them it’s the right choice), but for the others — like me — not being a mom is a matter of circumstance. I simply haven’t found the right guy at the right time to even get close to knowing what-to-expect-when-I’m-expecting. (The answer to the “Are you considering having a baby on your own?” is “Not yet. But I have not ruled it out. Yes I know, I’d better hurry up.”)

The good news is that many women, in both categories, are often loving Aunts by Relation (ABRs) to their siblings’ kids or Aunts by Choice (ABCs) to their friends’ kids, godmothers, great aunts, cool aunts, mentors and the like. And many of us who still want our own children — or not — love your children.

In fact, many aunts are not only the ones to share an enormous amount of love for your kids, they are often unsung heroes of the family. I know, because as the founder of the first online community for aunts and godmothers, I hear stories all the time. One perceptive aunt detected autism in her young niece before her parents were able to see it. One is at risk of losing her job because she spends so much time looking after her young nieces, feeling responsible to watch over them while their mom gets high and leaves them to fend for themselves. One aunt became her nephew’s mom overnight, adopting him as her own the day her sister was incarcerated.

Of course, there’s the less serious stuff we get involved in, too. We’re often happily guilty of spending too much on a birthday gift just to put a smile on a niece or nephew’s face. Or we take our nieces and nephews on fun adventures, like having an Upside Down Lunch where they get to eat dessert first, or to see their very first movie in a theater. We help them learn how to ride a bike, build a sand-castle, read a book, bake cookies and probably take them for their very first big-girl manicure. We’re at their soccer games cheering them on. As Long Distance Aunties (LDAs), we’re on video calls reading them a goodnight story. And when they’re bigger, we’re taking them to their first concert, “friending” them on Facebook (to make sure they’re safe), and yes — we’re talking to them about sex or drugs when they won’t go to you.

I’ve dubbed this segment of women: PANKs — Professional Aunts, No Kids. And at nearly half the population of American women, we’re here to help you develop and nurture your kids into the most amazing people they can be. Or at least, as you do, we try our very best.

Some of my best friends are moms. And when I launched my company, it was the moms I met on Twitter and at social media events that supported me, blogged about me and, of course, told their sisters and friends about me.

But then, there is the “ugly side” of it all; there are the moms who regard “motherhoodlessness” as less-than-ness — as if all non-moms are irresponsible, indulgent, dysfunctional and, yes, I’ve even heard “pathetic.” These are moms who look down on childless women (and child-free women) as women with little purpose. I’ve read it, seen it and it’s destructive. Women without kids can offer their discretionary time and income to give a child more love and more nurturing. (Our money, by the way, goes to more than just toys. We invest in our nieces’ and nephews’ 529 college savings plans, we pay for camp when parents can’t afford it, braces, gymnastics classes and first trips to Disney World so their mom and dad can have a break.)

So on behalf of many of the non-moms (and not-yet-moms) out there, please quit asking when we are going to have children because, whether it’s our choice or not, it’s hurtful, often out of our control, and we know, we know, if we want them, we’d better hurry up. And even if we’ve chosen not to have kids of our own, please don’t conclude that we dislike children because at the very least, we love your kids. Don’t assume we can’t possibly understand what you’re going through. While our struggles may differ, we strive to learn how to be the best women — and the best aunts — we can be. We’re not perfect. We’re not moms. But with a little more support (and dare I ask a little less judgment?) we’ll go far together.

We all agree it take a village to raise a child. We’re in your village. We’re part of your tribe. We are standing right here, hands and hugs at the ready. Welcome us on in because the clock is ticking and your kids are growing up fast. Yep, you’d better hurry up.

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Great post! Melanie, your nieces and nephews are lucky to have you, as are their parents! My roommate is an aunt and has made many choices to be near to her niece so that she can help her grow-up. Her brother-in-law, while doing well now, has a terminal illness and she has set herself up to be that extra help now when it’s just fun but also later when she may really be needed. She told me she loves her niece more than she could ever have imagined loving anyone, and I know her sister’s family very much appreciates all the wonderful memories they gain from my friend, the aunt.

Lisa- I didn’t see the post asking about why non-parents read/post, but let me comment on that now! I’m 25 and hope to be a parent, but not for a couple of years yet. I just love reading about parenting stories. I feel that I learn so much that may make me both a better parent and a better person. I also think that many of the stories remind you what life is really about when we sometimes forget. On a lighter note many of the posts are fun! That’s why I also love the nytimes columnist Michelle Slatalla’s stories about her family. They make you smile, maybe think, and are just generally enjoyable.

This is fab! Great piece Auntie Melanie! You do a great job representing the Aunties of the world!

Melanie, thank you so for sharing these thoughts. It’s so wonderful as a PANK to be acknowledged for being the resource and open heart than I am for my friends’ kids (and for their mothers), not the woman-in-waiting-for-meaning.
~Elizabeth King

Soon to be mother Mary February 26, 2009 · 1:02 pm

“Aunties” like Melanie Notkin are the unsung heroes of childrearing. My own mother wasn’t very attentive and my grandmother raised me for the most part. While my grandmother loved me, she brought her own baggage to the relationship. The one person that loved me unconditionally throughout my life was my “Aunt” Leona. Leona was not related to us she was an “ABC.” She never had any children of her own because like the author, her circumstances were never just right. She would often tell me that if she had had her own child, she would have wanted her to be just like me. Leona taught me how to love and live. She encouraged me to pursue my dreams. She always listened to my fears and concerns. She defended me when my own mother turned against me when I was a small child. Leona passed away almost two years ago. She was 99 years old. I miss her terribly and I suspect that deep down, I loved my “auntie” more than I loved my biological mother.

Thank you for raising such a good point, no-one should feel they have the right to question anyone’s “breeding habits”! I have a good friend that has unexplained secondary infertility. It staggers me when people (strangers and family) question her as to when she is going to have another child, and interestingly enough it’s mostly women that ask her.
Kudos to you for your honesty, and enjoy spoiling your nieces and nephews!

Terrific article, Melanie. I’m 38 with a niece and three nephews and being their savvy auntie is absolutely one of the most fulfilling things in my life. Thank you for building this wonderful, supportive community!

Fantastic post, Melanie! I’m a proud ABR, and a proud member of the SavvyAuntie community, and aunthood is a hugely underrated, underrecognized privilege and commitment that many of us are blessed to experience. My nephew was born this past Fall – I love that little guy more than anything, and I’d do anything for him. In the past I would have jumped on professional opportunities in other parts of the country, but now I wouldn’t trade living 15 minutes away from my sister, nephew and brother-in-law for all the money in the world. The saying “happiness is a journey not a destination” holds so true for us “PANKS.” If it’s in the cards for me, I’d love to be a mom someday, but whether or not that happens, aunthood has proven to be overwhelmingly fulfilling.

I’m an aunt, no children of my own; yes I’ve heard a lot of people ask when I’m having my own children. Not yet, and I love my nieces and nephews. PANK and proud.

Mother and stepmother February 26, 2009 · 1:48 pm

Thank you for your beautiful piece!

Thank you for this.

when people see a young woman lavishing love on nieces and nephews, they can’t help but ask about her own child-rearing plans. of course it sounds nosy, but it’s also a compliment: what a wonderful mother you would be to some lucky kid, and how much love would cram your heart if you had one of your own.

if you’re considering it, and you have enough money to manage it, just do it. you have a support group, and you will find more.

I absolutely agree with Jenny. I am 24, in a serious relationship and am very much looking forward to starting a family with my boyfriend in a few years. I’m not an aunt, but I’m an older cousin (15+ age difference) to three wonderful girls whom I love to pieces. Reading about parenting and juggling family and career is preparation for that phase of my life, when it comes.

What a beautifully written piece. And yes, I too tire of the mentality that women who don’t want to have children are “cold” or “abnormal”. I think far too many women have children simply because they think it’s what they are “supposed” to do, without their necessarily “wanting” it on their own. I think what matters more is how you treat children, how you raise them (or HELP to raise them), be their your own children or someone else’s. That is far more important than whether you popped one out yourself or not! :-)

I will sing the praises of my college roommate, who is the world’s most wonderful aunt. Although she had hoped to marry and have her own children, it hasn’t happened, and her childbearing years are over.

But her brother (and only sibling) died in his 40s, leaving two young children, and she has lovingly represented their family (the grandparents are gone too) to his children ever since, taking them for weekends (giving their mother a break) and coming to as many performances and games as she can, encouraging them in every way. I’m sure her brother is resting peacefully knowing she’s watching over his children.

She’d kick me if I identified her, but,, “K” in California, here’s to you!

As a fellow PANK, I can’t imagine my life without my nieces. I only wished they lived closer. Thanks for a great read, and providing a wonderful platform for us all!

I will send this on to several “aunts” who have not been as appreciated as they should be.
Two points. By “aunts” I’m sure you mean to include uncles. My oldest brother is childless and the north star to a small fleet of nephews and nieces. He fights for them, he bails them out, he does the college tour and the apartment hunt. He doesn’t take them for manicures but he does take them to ball games.
The other point. I’m also an uncle though I have three children of my own. I’m not in my brother’s class, but I try. I wish I could do better, but sometimes we, those parent uncle-aunts, get the message that we have our own children and shouldn’t be as concerned with nephews and nieces. But we have a role to play there also. I remember my stylish Aunt Anne—she gave me a whole different way of looking at the world. Children need the fresh air of non-parental perspectives.
Great post. Thanks.

Great post!

I am a mom, but not yet an aunt, and can’t wait to take on that role someday. My daughter has two loving, nurturing, doting aunts and an uncle who is crazy about her, and their love is valued beyond measure.

Thank you for sharing!

I am the 28-year-old “auntie” of a tween boy, my little cousin who came to live with my parents several years ago. In some ways he is the little brother I never had, but sometimes I almost think of him as my own child. I read the Motherlode because I feel responsible for this boy’s upbringing, as he is mostly ignored by all the other adults in his life. Yes, I take him on fun outings and such, but mostly what we do is talk about all the things no one else can be bothered to talk to him about. He knows he can ask me anything, and he does. (Increasingly, so do his friends, coming to me with issues they’re afraid to bring up with their own parents.)

I regard my relationship with this child as the greatest responsibility in my life, as well as my greatest joy. In fact, I will soon be moving back to my hometown, so that I can be closer to him as he enters the treacherous teen years. I have always planned to become a mother through adoption, and hope to embark upon that adventure in the next few years (yes, most probably as a single mother). My little cousin knows this, and recently asked me whether I wouldn’t prefer to have biological children, “so that I wouldn’t have that little bit of doubt” about them. “Why?” I responded, smiling at him. “I’ve never doubted you for a second.”

This single childless aunt says THANK YOU for this wonderful column! I am in a similar situation as you are vis a vis having kids of my own, but for now am very happy to have a nephew by blood and a niece by choice, both of whom I adore.

Kudos to those women who are generous of spirit, time, and wallet to become involved in other children’s lives, whether as biological aunts or aunts through friendship with the parents. These women are blessings to the children and the children are very lucky.

I have three sisters – one is somewhat involved with my children, one is nominally (i.e. a movie a few times a year and presents at birthdays and xmas), and one is not involved at all. Note: we all live in the same city. There is only a few years in a child’s life when they welcome wholeheartedly and un-reservedly the attention of a non-parental adult. When those years pass, it is often difficult to establish a relationship with the neice or nephew.

So congratulations on being one of those “favorite aunts” that the hallmarks are written for – you deserve it and your neices/nephews are luckier for you!

Thank you for this! It very eloquently and succinctly described how I feel about my nephews and soon-to-be nephew as well as my friend’s kids. Glad I’m not alone in my PANK status…

This is a wonderful post. I have two children of my own and they have two Aunts by Relation (one with and one without her own kids) and many Aunts by choice (again, some with and some without their own kids). I am very thankful for all these wonderful women and would never dream of asking the ones with no children when or if they plan to have them. I totally agree with Mary that these women are unsung heroes. They have helped me out and lavished love on my children. While some of them would make wonderful mothers themselves, I respect their choice if they don’t want children and I appreciate their dilemma if they are childless by circumstance. In either case, it is none of my business. I just want them to stay in my children’s lives as part of a fantastic extended family.

Thank you for the beautiful piece, Melanie. I know you said you didn’t care for advice from strangers, but you know what? I think you just go for single motherhood. You sound like you’d be a great parent, with or without a partner.

As for the non-parents who read this blog, I am someone who plans on becoming a parent one-day, my future career will be in childbirth, and the blog is just well written!

What I don’t understand is non-parents who hate kids and parents and read and comment on this blog.

This was so good it makes me want to cry. I have never read anything that so succinctly described my situation. Thank you Melanie! -PANK Meg